0800 453 630 | 09 973 0187

Assisted Audio Conference Booking

To make a booking, please complete the form below.
*Indicates required field

First name: *
Last name: *
Phone number: *
Email: *
Company name:
Account #: (if known)
Your billing reference: Anything you may need us to reference for your internal billing

Call Details

Date & time of conference: *
Time zone: *

Estimated Duration of Conference:
Hour(s) and Minute(s)

Participant Details

Please provide each party's name and phone number below:

Chairperson Name: * Chairperson Phone Number *:
Please Note: If participants wish to dial in, dial In Numbers will be provided in your email confirmation
Participants Phone Numbers* If international numbers, please include country and area code.
For more participants, please enter below: (One participant per line)
Would you like your call to be recorded?

Additional: (CD required, transcription, roll call …)

*I confirm that information above is accurate.